Best Buses in Perú

Peru Hop
Cruz del Sur
Peru Bus

The 13 most frequent activities of
the week in Paracas is Adventure

Paragliding Paracas – Free Flight


Golden Shadows (Paracas Trek)


Kitesurfing in paracas


The Paracas Time Machine


Catamaran Rides in Paracas bay


ATVs guided to the reserve


GO-KART TOUR – Paracas Reserve


Ballestas Islands Tour


Sanddune Buggies & Sandboarding


Stars and wine


Iron cliffs


Enoturismo between Pisco & Nasca


Beach Day at the Mine


Recommended restaurants
by Paracas is Adventure

MAP OF ACTIVITIES in Paracas is Adventure

Let’s know a little more about Paracas culture with Paracas is adventure

Paracas was an important pre-Columbian civilization of ancient Peru, of the period called Upper formative or early horizon, which was developed in the peninsula of Paracasprovince of PiscoRegion ICA, between the years 700 A. c. and 200 D. C. It is contemporary in part with the Chavín culture which developed in the north of Peru.
Paracas is Adventure supports History
Much of the information on the Paracas comes from the archaeological excavations undertaken in Cerro Colorado (“Paracas-Caverns”) and in Warikayan (“Paracas-Necropolis”) by the Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello and his disciple Toribio Mejía Xesspe in the Years 1920.
Nowadays it is known that what Tello called “Paracas-Necropolis” belongs to another cultural tradition, the so-called culture Topará, whose center was located more to the north, in the valley of Chincha.
The Paracas practiced a textile of high quality, in wool and cotton, as well as a decorated ceramics and a very elaborate basketry. They also carried out trepanation cranial, whose ends are still discussed.
Paracas culture is the ancestor of the Nazca culture with which it has an obvious cultural affinity; In fact, for many specialists, the final phase of Paracas is actually the initial phase of the Nazca culture.

Paracas is Adventure supports Culture.